Register to start your own GBYT chapter!

What do GBYT chapters receive?

GBYT book clubs receive thoughtful discussion guides that represent expertise and research on social issues, current events, cultural competency around marginalized identities and experiences, and best practices for engaging in allyship. Each month’s discussion materials require, on average, between 20 and 30 hours to develop. Recognizing that building allyship skills—like any other skill—requires time, experience, and knowledge, GBYT is pleased to offer the materials necessary to help booksellers, educators, librarians, youth mentors, and caregivers lead these necessary conversations with kids. Fill out the contact form to register or for more information.

  • Curated GBYT titles.

    Each month, GBYT reads a different middle grade book club pick selected for its enjoyability and quality of writing, richness of topics explored, representation of diverse identities and experiences, and opportunities to discuss current events and practice allyship.

  • Discussion guides.

    Registered book clubs receive a discussion guide for each book club pick that include questions carefully designed to deepen empathy and participants' understanding of power, privilege, and complex social issues in an age-appropriate way. Guides also include allyship practice scenarios that include sample scripts to aid book club facilitators in guiding participants through the process of brainstorming how to disrupt injustice. Each question includes responses facilitators might guide participants towards.

  • Welcome packet & swag.

    Every new registrant receives an initial welcome packet that includes a GBYT starter guide, as well as bookmarks, pins, and stickers for your founding book club participants. The starter guide includes information on the GBYT philosophy and method, tips for successful facilitation, suggestions for handling challenging conversations, ideas for recruiting book club sponsors, and everything else facilitators will need to confidently launch their book clubs.

  • Access to author visits.

    GBYT will occasionally host live virtual author visits in which all book club chapters will be able to participate simultaneously. Book club attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from authors about how their own identities and experiences shape their writing, what they hope readers will take away from their stories, and why they believe storytelling is vital.

  • Optional personalized coaching.

    Starting a new book club might feel daunting—not to mention beginning conversations about allyship and complex social issues with middle school-aged kids! We’re happy to schedule virtual meetings with facilitators who feel they could benefit from coaching or who just have questions.

What does it cost?

Each month features a different middle grade title and corresponding discussion guide. Register for an entire year or for specific months—you choose!

  • $50 per month if selecting individual months or $500 annually if choosing to register for an entire year.

  • $30 per month for public librarians and K-12 public educators with a valid organizational email address.